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  • AK55内开内倒窗采用隔热断桥技术,传热系数小,保温性能优,内倒开启既可以让室内外空气流畅,又不占据室内空间;独有的等压和排水装置,呈现产品经典之作;配件选用更灵活,结构合理,外形更优美。
    适用于住宅、别墅 、会展中心和体育馆等。
    AK55 horizontally pivoting window, made with heat insulation and cut-off bridge technique, has a small heat transfer coefficient and excellent heat insulation performance. Horizontally pivoting window can well ventilate a room without occupying indoor space; unique constant pressure and drainage units make the product a typical one; spares, which can be selected flexibly, have reasonable structure and attractive appearance.
    Suitable for resident, villas, convention centers and gymnasiums. 
  • AK50节能平开窗是一种带流线型高级外开窗,外观造 型优美,颜色为咖啡色;在中空玻璃中内置传统的古徽州装饰花格,既具有古徽州门窗的韵味又有现代文明的气息。
    AK50 energy-efficient casement window, a streamlined high-end outwards opening window, has beautiful appearance and is brown; the traditional decorative lattice of ancient Huizhou style built in the double glass displays a local and modern taste.
    Multiple opening means can be realized with a type of profile; glass can be built in and on window frames, and sashes can open inwards and outwards; max 6+12+6 double glass can be used.
    Suitable for high-end residential districts like villas, clubs and residence.